Elect Care Consultants Ltd aims to provide exemplary services to both services users and members alike. We pride ourselves on the Standard of care that we deliver. We believe that it is our attention to detail that set us apart from other company. Our service user’s wishes and preferences are continuously maintained through close contact and with our monitoring service.
We will do this by endeavouring to get it right the first time, every time and always exceeding our service users and members expectations.
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Services We Provide:
Personal Care
Benefits of our service
Practical Care
Our staffs are imperative to providing a quality service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To ensure this, we operate a rigorous recruitment and selection process to identify the best care workers.
Our care worker, management and supervision team are just one of the things that help us to provide excellent care and support service 365 days: 24 hours a day.
The service operates seven days a week from 7am to 7pm. An evening service is also available from 7pm to 11 pm. (It may also be possible to arrange services outside these hours.)
Our Service Support:
How can l apply for Elect Care Consultants Ltd?
You can visit us at our office or by telephone, or someone else can apply for you such as relatives, friends, social worker, your GP, Nurse or your neighbour.
To apply for Private Care or any other care parkage please contact:
Manager: Electra Solomon
Elect Care Consultants Ltd
61 Leswin Road
London N16 7NX
Telephone: 0207 254 2000
Mobile: 07956227758
Website: www: electcare.com
Choosing your care from Elect Care Consultants is very straight forward.
We aim to be an organisation that values, recognises and responds to the diverse needs of members and those we serve. We adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and will not discriminate against any person or other organisation with particular reference to the protected characteristics
Any information you give us will be held in confidence by Elect Care Consultants in accordance with Data Protection Act 1998.
If we need to discuss this information with anyone else we will usually ask your permission. Please note, however, that Care Quality Commission and the Police may view information about you without your consent.
Please also be aware that Care worker have a duty to report situations where they believe you are, or may be, at risk of abuse. In this instance the appropriate people will be informed on a need to know basis only.
We pride ourselves on being able to maintain quality across every area of the business. We have put a system in place which covers from day to day operational functions such as :Needs Assessment, Risk Assessment, Support planning, Staff supervision, appraisal, regular spot checks, training and development, service users’ survey, audits, handling of complaints, compliments and comments.
Elect Care Consultants Ltd is committed to providing services of the highest standard within the resources available for all existing and potential users of our services.
Quality and Equality are core values that underpin all our activities. We believe that promoting equality will enrich our service delivery and ensure that our services are fair and sensitive to people’s needs.
We will strive to ensure that no current or potential services user’s needs are less well met on the grounds of sex, or sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origins, colour, creed, disability, marital status, age, or on any other grounds that cannot be justified.
We aim to ensure that we will respect the ethnic, religious and cultural identity and the individual needs of our service users and promote both effective access to services and sensitivity in the manner in which they are delivered.
We recognise that in order to achieve these aims we must have regards to the views of our service users and we undertake to consult individuals groups, and to have regard to the views and opinions expressed, in planning our services and the manner in which they are to be delivered.
We aim to deliver the best quality service possible to all our customs.